Singapore Tourism Board Launches ‘Unreal: Made in Singapore’ in UK

Singapore Tourism Board has launched its newest campaign, ‘Made in Singapore’ in the UK, to attract tourists, giving them an ‘Unreal’ experience. Showcasing all the attractions in Singapore, which are AI-generated, bringing in a different type of show for the Brits.

The campaign aims to introduce British citizens to an extraordinary side of Singapore. Although the places are the same, they are generated with the aim of examining if Brits can tell the difference between real and AI-generated imagery of tourist destinations.

Recent research conducted by Markettiers and commissioned by STB on 14th and 16th February 2024 found that 41% of Brits cannot tell the difference between real and AI-generated images.

It is an effort to highlight how AI can better plan their trip for holidays. 62% of the people attending the research admitted they had never used or thought about the benefits of AI, and 22% of the attendees found AI would be helpful in planning their trip.

The Unreal experience highlights the top tourist spots known to the world. This includes the Changi Airport waterfall, Gardens by the Bay, and Sentosa Sensoryscape, where tourists can get a first-hand 3D multi-sensory experience.

In the UK, Singapore has introduced a 3D out-of-home billboard in Piccadilly Circus. People can experience all the attractions Singapore has to offer from the billboard until 31st March.

Singapore Tourism Board’s ‘Made in Singapore’ global campaign has been launched in September of 2023. It aims to show tourists a newer perspective and showcase hidden gems in Singapore. It also includes regular day-to-day activities and how they are unique from Singapore’s point of view.

Michael Rodriguez, director of STBs Northern and Southwestern Europe, said, “Singapore is a place that is so unreal, it’s even more unbelievable than what people or AI can imagine.” He also highlighted about Singapore’s lively culture, great food, beautiful nature, and futuristic sights. He hopes the campaign will attract more UK visitors to Singapore in 2024.